Welcome to my Domestic Detox Day #1: ‘Eliminating the Evil under your Sink’

I have put together 5 short videos covering some of the chemicals and toxins that are best avoided in the home, but probably found in your everyday cleaning and skincare products.
Unless, of course, you have made a decision, to avoid these already and embrace a cleaner home, a healthier family and a happier you 😁

In today’s video you’ll learn:

✳️ the top 12 Evil ingredients in cleaning products
✳️ the 7 sins of Greenwashing
✳️ how to reduce your chemical cleaners

If you have any questions, ideas, lightbulb moments etc after watching today’s video, be sure to let me know in the comments!

It’s time to get EXCITED and begin to detox your life giving you a cleaner home, healthier family and happier you…

Pop down to the bottom to hear the song to help you embrace being Green! 😉🐸

Domestic Detox ~ Free Handout

Dangerous Household Chemicals found in your
Cleaning Products

In this handout which I have put together for you … you will discover:

✳️ the 11 Chemicals to Watch-Out for on your Cleaning Product labels
✳️ the products they are found in
✳️ the health risks of those chemicals

Use this to CHECK THE LABELS on your cleaning products

If you find any interesting or scary observations when you look under your sink, be sure to let me know in the comments 🤓😱

It’s time to get EXCITED and begin to detox your life giving you a cleaner home, healthier family and happier you…

Click Here to Enter your details & receive your free copy

Live Clean 🌿 Happy 🌿 Healthy

And not only is living clean and without harsh chemicals in our lives important nowadays… but the eco-factor is also playing a bigger part in our day to day activities.

If you would like to explore the Online Shopping Club I have discovered, with a massive range of products which are:

  1. SAFE: They cannot risk damaging our health in any way.
  2. EFFECTIVE: They have got to do the job extremely well!
  3. ECO-FRIENDLY: They are concentrated to reduce waste, safe for the environment, and uses biodegradable ingredients.
  4. AFFORDABLE: They are definitely good value.

If you would like to see / hear / learn more about Well-being and Living Clean 🌿 Happy 🌿 Healthy…


... and my Bot Jacbot 🤖, will show you some product videos, offer you freebies and give you some interesting information on how toxic your household chemicals can be!

If you like the sound of it, then I’ll be in touch 😁

And so, just before we part today… here’s a little song to encourage you to be be Green 🐸


Let me know in the comments how Green you are, and if you embrace a chemical free life 🌿

♡ Jacs

Catch up with the other Domestic Detox Videos
Domestic Detox #2: ‘Hidden Toxins In your Makeup Bag’

Domestic Detox #3: Skincare – Deodorants vs Antiperspirants

    4 replies to "Domestic Detox #1: Eliminating The Evil Under Your Sink"

    • Barb

      This is a very helpful post. I think the videos definitely add to the posts value.

      • Jacs

        Hi Barb,

        Thanks for popping by Barb, I’m pleased you liked the addition of a video 😊

        ~ Jacs

    • Elise Ho

      I love that you included Kermit in this post. I love Kermit but it is true… it is not easy being green.

      • Jacs

        Hi Elise!

        Thanks! Kermit was a touch of fun, but with his own message 🐸

        ~ Jacs

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