Welcome to my Domestic Detox Day #3: ‘Skincare ~ Deodorant vs Antiperspirant

So, the question is: Should you use a Natural Deodorant or an Antiperspirant?

This is a personal choice for you to make for yourself, and perhaps on behalf of your teenage family.

Here’s some information which may answer some questions for you, and it will cover why I think natural deodorants are the healthiest choice.

Please watch the video or read the presentation below

As the name suggests, a deodorant’s main function is to mask odour, while antiperspirants contain extra ingredients that also inhibit perspiration, which many people consider to be a dis-service to your body.

Despite the embarrassment of body odor, sweating is still a critical body function. 

As well as lowering your core body temperature, sweating also flushes toxins from your body and purges your pores. 

When your antiperspirant stops that sweating process, your body can’t purge toxins. 

These toxins stay trapped in your tissue and ultimately travel into your lymph nodes and can trigger cellular damage.

So, that says to me that perhaps an anti-perspirant may not be the best solution!

Aluminium salts are the active ingredient in an antiperspirant. Your underarm moisture dissolves the aluminium salts producing a gel which creates a temporary plug at the top of the sweat gland and reducing the sweat secreted onto the skin’s surface. Then bathing should remove the antiperspirant’s gel.

There have been studies linking the use of aluminium salt based deodorants with breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. But there are also those that indicate there is no evidence for those claims. Like so many things, the scientific research continues.

But you get to make your personal choice. 

Since we are talking about detox-ing and the presence of aluminium salts is preventing sweating which is essential to your health for this reason, then using a natural deodorant without aluminum makes it possible to benefit from your natural sweating process without getting stinky!

Triclosan is an ingredient added to many common consumer products, especially personal care products like deodorant and toothpaste. Manufacturers that use triclosan in their products claim that triclosan reduces or prevents bacterial contamination, but research indicates that the dangers of triclosan outweigh any potential benefits.

Only a natural deodorant formulated without triclosan also, can protect your body from these potential serious health risks. Is it worth the risk using a product every day that potentially interferes with hormone production and influences your health, and especially worth serious consideration for young children approaching puberty

Choosing a natural, organic deodorant can ensure that these ingredients don’t interfere with your body chemistry, and allow you to sweat as nature intended. 


Also watch out for Parabens (artificial preservatives) found not only in your standard deodorant, and make-up products as outlined in Domestic Detox #2, but also in skin-care products, sunscreens, hair products, and numerous other personal care products. Just like aluminum, parabens are estrogenic chemicals, which means they mimic estrogen as they interact with the hormones in your body.

#1 – Natural Deodorant Ingredients are safe

Look for a natural deodorant with ingredients that enhance your health, like aloe vera, hemp seed oil, essential oils, activated charcoal, and coconut oil.

#2 – They cultivate your natural biome

Your personal microbiome ecosystem is a vital part of your overall health. The microbiome of your armpits is created by the trillions of bacteria and other microorganisms that coexist peacefully. 

Unlike antiperspirants that disrupt your natural microbiome with toxins and chemicals that kill bacteria, a natural aluminium-free deodorant helps your microbiome thrive and supports the balance of healthy bacteria.

This is important because happy, healthy bacteria smell much better than angry and aggressive bacteria pushed out of balance. When you choose a natural deodorant that enhances your natural biome, you can sweat healthy and smell fresh.

#3 – You’ll save some money!

You might not think that purchasing an aluminum-free natural deodorant can save you money, but it’s true.

Why? Because the best natural deodorants only contain the active ingredients that work with your body to reduce odour, helping one single deodorant stick last two to three times longer!

I’ve definitely found they last much longer, but it’s been many years since I’ve used anything other than a natural one. My recollection is that those sprays I bought ran out in no time at all, and deodorant seemed to be on every shopping list and cost a lot compared to how long it lasted…

but even if natural did cost a bit more, I think it’s worth it to avoid those toxic ingredients. 

#4 – They help the environment

And not just thinking of your body here; it’s the environment as well!

AND Most of the best all-natural deodorants use packaging that support sustainability with renewable sources and recyclable materials. 

#5 – They become more effective with time

Most people weighing the decision to switch to a natural aluminum-free deodorant are concerned about the efficiency of natural deodorant. If you’re one of them, you’ll be surprised to learn that natural deodorant is more effective than standard aluminum-based deodorant.

When you start transitioning to natural deodorant, your pores and cells need a few weeks to detox aluminium, parabens, and other common chemicals lurking in your old deodorant. So with some time and patience, it’ll be worth it in the end to enjoy a deodorant that delivers results without harming your health.

As your natural deodorant recalibrate’s your armpit biome, cultivates healthy bacteria, and enhances your overall wellness, you’ll notice the odour of your natural sweat diminish.

#6 – Natural ingredients can improve your skin

Believe it or not, the nourishing ingredients in all-natural deodorant can improve the quality of your skin, ingredients like aloe vera, essential oils, hemp seed oil, coconut oil, and plant extracts will kill bacteria hiding in your armpits and keep your skin strong, healthy, and toxin-free.

Natural Deodorants

Why not try a natural deodorant?

… the natural and effective ingredients will create the results you are looking for without those toxic nasties.

Free Handout

If you find any interesting or scary observations, be sure to let me know below this post 🤓😱

It’s time to get EXCITED and begin to detox your life giving you a cleaner home, healthier family and happier you…

What Nasties are lurking in your Daily Skincare routine and Make-Up Bag?

In this handout you’ll discover:

✳️ 25 nasties commonly found which you may be using every day!

✳️ the products they are found in & why they are used.

✳️ links to Wikipedia for more info (if you need it!)

Use this to CHECK THE LABELS on your everyday skincare products, personal care products & makeup.

Click Here to Enter your details & receive your free copy

Catch up with the other Domestic Detox Videos:

Domestic Detox #1: Eliminating the evil under your sink

Domestic Detox #2: ‘Hidden Toxins In your Makeup Bag’

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