GoodGoods for Save The Children

~ I just spotted an ad. in The Evening Standard for a water bottle, and interestingly enough I was just thinking of buying one yesterday for my new regime of apple cider vinegar and water mix.

Even better, I can create my own store and share this with my audience 😊

100% of Profits from GoodGoods go to Save The Children

β€œΒ I want to help children around the world get clean water and other life saving essentials – so I’ve set up my very own Good Goods shop in aid of Save the Children. Support my fundraising and buy a bottle – you get the bottle, children get the water. Help me hit my target, get a quality bottle and together we can make a big difference. ”

This Campaign runs for October 2018 and the target for Save The Children is Β£100,000.

“You buy the bottle. Kids get the water – and other life-saving essentials”

πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈCheck Out My GoodGoods Store

I’m just deciding which one to buy!!

β™‘ Jacs

Jacs Henderson